• Natural Stress Relief for Pets

    One of the most common complaints from pet owners is that their pets are destructive or disruptive when they are left alone. Dogs may bark, howl, chew, dig, defecate or urinate. Although these behaviors are often a sign that dogs need to be housebroken or crate trained, they can also indicate that a

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  • How to Take Care of Your Pet's Nails

    Many pets dislike having their feet touched and their nails trimmed. Owners worry that they may hurt their pets especially if the pet struggles when having their nails cut. This is probably why many owners take their pets to their veterinarians or groomers to have this done. If you are thinking of trimming

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  • Home Dental Care

    Home dental care for your cat or dog has the same goal as home dental care for yourself, to remove dental plaque. Plaque is the sticky, whitish film with the bad taste and offensive odor that accumulates inside the mouth. Plaque is about 85% bacteria and will mineralize to form tartar. Plaque accumulation

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Read What Our Clients Say

  • "Thank you all for your wonderful care of Mau. It means a lot to have a vet's office that I completely trust with my animals. Mau is doing great, but I think he misses all of you!"
    The Redmons / Bradenton, FL
  • "Words can't express how thankful I am for all your love, help and support with Sheba. You are truly special people and it meant a lot to myself and my son."
    Lori - Lakewood Ranch, FL
  • "Thank you so much for caring for Tyler while we were at a funeral... Thank you for a kind and caring heart and standing in the gap for us Bless you all!"
    The Bennett Family - Lakewood Ranch, FL
  • "We wish to thank you for your care & kindness during the loss of our beloved Molly. You provided her wonderful care for 16 yrs! Dr. Sookra saw her the second day I had her and was with her to the end. You all are such a kind, loving family and we are grateful for the care you extend. Thank you so much for all you do! We appreciate you all very much."
    The Stutts Family - Apollo Beach, FL
  • "hank you all for your wonderful care of Mau. It means a lot to have a vet's office that I completely trust with my animals. Mau is doing great, but I think he misses all of you!"
    The Redmons - Bradenton, FL