

Maybe, you've heard that goats will basically eat anything they can put in their mouth. This might give you the impression that they're simple animals to take care of, but this isn't the case. Goats need proper nutrition and enough space, among other things, to grow strong and healthy. Therefore, before you get a goat, you should know what to expect, how to prepare, and the proper care techniques.


While goats need room to roam freely, well as free as a fenced-in area allows, they also need outdoor housing. This keeps them safe from the elements, and they can rest somewhere safe. You may use a dog house or choose to build them a shelter. If you live in an area with many wild animals, you may want to get them a shelter with a door that you can latch at night to keep predators out.


Goats don't require any type of special bedding. Straw will work fine to keep them comfortable and warm. You'll need to put down a new layer every few days to keep it clean.


To keep your goats at home, you'll need a fenced-in area for them to roam. Make sure you contact your local government to figure how much room you need per goat. Ultimately, you want to fence off as much space as you can.

Make sure when you build their fence that it's at least four feet high. It may help to build the fence six feet tall to ensure they can't jump the fence as they grow.


When goats are still babies, they need milk. Ideally, you want to feed them milk from a mother goat. If this isn't possible though, you can purchase milk for goat kids at a store.

Once they get older, you'll be surprised to see how picky goats are -- nothing like the reputation they have. They don't eat just anything you put down for them. They, however, enjoy grazing. They also enjoy eating hay. Alfalfa and grains are also options, but you need to watch the amount of grains you feed them. They also like fruits and veggies.

You'll enjoy getting to watch goats grow. You'll even get to experiment with the different types of foods your goats enjoys. The most important aspect of raising your goats is making sure they have a safe space outside, including a house and a fenced-in yard.


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  • "hank you all for your wonderful care of Mau. It means a lot to have a vet's office that I completely trust with my animals. Mau is doing great, but I think he misses all of you!"
    The Redmons - Bradenton, FL