Canine Environmental Enrichment

Does your dog like to bark, dig and chew everything in his line of sight? Before you panic and head straight for doggy boot camp, the solution may be simpler than you think. Just as humans do, dogs get bored. Unlike humans, however, dogs have fewer means of passing the time. Instead, bored dogs can develop unhealthy behaviors and stress-related habits, such as excessive personal licking or chewing, which can potentially cause them harm.

Environment enrichment can help.

Environment enrichment is the process of making your pet’s living space engaging and stimulating in order to decrease boredom and avoid any associated consequences. Keeping your pets busy and engaged with mental games, active training and enough daily exercise will protect both your pets and your furniture. You can thank us later.

Environment Enrichment 101

There are a few simple ways to improve your furry friend’s immediate living space and help encourage mental and physical development, including the following:

  1. Use Food-Dispensing Toys

Toys that dispense food are an excellent way for your dog to beat daily stress and boredom. Keeping your dog busy while you’re gone by making them work for treats, or their entire meal, keeps them interested and engaged. They are far less likely to be distracted by an arm chair or potential digging spot if they are being rewarded and encouraged with their favorite foods. Additionally, using toys that encourage dogs to eat more slowly can even improve digestive health.

  1. Schedule Puppy Play Dates

As wonderful as engaging toys and human interaction can be for your pets, other dogs provide stimulation that we simply cannot. Regular play dates with other friendly dogs is one of the best ways to keep your dog learning and consistently engaged. Provide your pup with the opportunity to run, sniff and explore a new, safe space with a brand-new friend!

  1. Stimulate Their Senses

Much like humans, dogs need variation to keep them learning and developing. Whenever you can, provide your pup with the opportunity to explore new spaces. Maybe try a new trail on your morning walk, take a trip to the beach or pack your smaller furry friend into a secure bike basket and go for a ride. Allowing your dog to experience new things will keep his senses keen and improve both his physical and mental health.

Want to Know More?

If you have any further questions about environment enrichment, or any unhealthy behaviors you have seen appear in your pet, contact your veterinarian for additional resources and support.


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  • "Thank you all for your wonderful care of Mau. It means a lot to have a vet's office that I completely trust with my animals. Mau is doing great, but I think he misses all of you!"
    The Redmons / Bradenton, FL
  • "Words can't express how thankful I am for all your love, help and support with Sheba. You are truly special people and it meant a lot to myself and my son."
    Lori - Lakewood Ranch, FL
  • "Thank you so much for caring for Tyler while we were at a funeral... Thank you for a kind and caring heart and standing in the gap for us Bless you all!"
    The Bennett Family - Lakewood Ranch, FL
  • "We wish to thank you for your care & kindness during the loss of our beloved Molly. You provided her wonderful care for 16 yrs! Dr. Sookra saw her the second day I had her and was with her to the end. You all are such a kind, loving family and we are grateful for the care you extend. Thank you so much for all you do! We appreciate you all very much."
    The Stutts Family - Apollo Beach, FL
  • "hank you all for your wonderful care of Mau. It means a lot to have a vet's office that I completely trust with my animals. Mau is doing great, but I think he misses all of you!"
    The Redmons - Bradenton, FL